Issuers use our financial guaranty to lower costs of funds and diversify funding sources. Investors rely on our guaranty for payment of principal and interest when due, and also benefit from our credit underwriting, negotiated terms, surveillance and, if necessary, remediation.
Assured Guaranty, through its subsidiaries, provides financial guarantees for municipal bonds, public infrastructure financings and structured financings.

U.S. Public Finance
Bond insurance brings savings to issuers and credit protection to investors in a market made up of diverse borrowers, including governments and authorities providing such essential services as hospitals, schools, utilities and airports, each of which has unique credit characteristics.

Global Infrastructure Finance
Financial guaranty insurance helps sponsors of essential public projects obtain long-term financing through the capital markets, creating attractive opportunities for investors seeking to match long-term liabilities.

Global Structured Finance
Credit enhancement from AG can reduce the all-in financing costs of eligible asset-backed securities or allow financial institutions to manage capital more efficiently through private transactions. For investors, our financial guaranty simplifies complex financings.

Our subsidiary, AG Re provides reinsurance to our direct financial guaranty subsidiaries, creating flexibility in company-wide capital management.