The financial information you need to evaluate your specific security varies depending on the type of the security and the company that issued or guaranteed it. To help you find the information you need, please review the following to locate relevant information:
Assured Guaranty Ltd. has issued common shares that are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “AGO.”
Equity investors can find useful information at the links below:
Consolidated Financial Information
Assured Guaranty's subsidiaries have directly issued several different outstanding debt securities. Assured Guaranty Ltd. has guaranteed all of these debt securities. You can find specific information about each issue as well as financial information on its guarantor or issuer in the Debt section of our website.
Additionally, Assured Guaranty Inc. (AG) is party to committed capital securities agreements with certain special purpose trusts (Sutton Capital Trusts and Woodbourne Capital Trusts) that issued committed capital securities. Under the agreements, AG has the ability to exercise put options to raise up to $400 million of capital at any time. If exercised, each trust would be required to liquidate a portion of its assets in order to purchase preferred stock of AG. None of these transactions is guaranteed by Assured Guaranty Ltd. Instead, each preferred stock issue that might be issued under these securities would be the specific obligation of AG.
Outstanding Debt Securities:
Junior Subordinated Debentures, Series 2006-1
6.40% Series A Enhanced Junior Subordinated Debentures due 2066
Committed Capital Securities:
Assured Guaranty’s insured portfolio consists of bonds and other securities originally guaranteed by multiple affiliated and non-affiliated guarantors using a variety of names, as a result of mergers, acquisitions, assumptions through reinsurance, novations and name changes. By merging AGM into AG in August 2024, we completed the consolidation of the vast majority of our insured obligations under a single, larger principal financial guarantor, so that almost all our insurance exposures are obligations of AG either directly or through its support of its non-U.S. subsidiaries.
Additionally, as a result of mergers and acquisitions, AG insures securities under policies written originally by guarantors using the following names:
Find financial information about AG on the AG page of the Investor Information section of this site.