Select a company below for additional financial information:

Assured Guaranty Ltd.
Assured Guaranty Ltd. is the holding company for the Assured Guaranty group of companies. Its common shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: AGO), and it guarantees many of the debt securities issued by its subsidiaries. Together with its subsidiaries, we refer to it as Assured Guaranty.

Please Note:  Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp. (AGM) is expected to merge into Assured Guaranty Inc. (AG) in August 2024, with AG as the surviving company.  For more on the AGM/AG merger, follow these links:   
►  Press Release
►  Presentation       
►  Q&A


Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp. (AGM)
AGM provides financial guaranty insurance for U.S. municipal bonds and international infrastructure financings. AGM’s London-based subsidiary, Assured Guaranty UK Limited (AGUK), is our principal underwriter for the U.K. market. AGM’s France-based subsidiary, Assured Guaranty (Europe) SA (AGE), serves markets within the European Union (EU). In 2021, Municipal Assurance Corp. (MAC), which was previously an affiliate of AGM, was merged with and into AGM, with AGM as the surviving company. Learn more about the MAC/AGM merger here


Assured Guaranty Inc. (AG)
AG is a diversified financial guarantor insuring both public finance and structured finance obligations. AG's acquisitions Radian Asset and CIFG were merged into AG in 2015 and 2016, respectively. In January 2017, AG acquired MBIA UK.



Assured Guaranty Re Ltd. (AG Re) 
AG Re is a Bermuda insurance company specializing in financial guaranty reinsurance. Additionally, it owns, indirectly, 100% of Assured Guaranty Re Overseas Ltd. (AGRO), a Bermuda insurance company specializing in the insurance and reinsurance of non-financial guaranty business lines that fit within the Assured Guaranty Group’s overall risk appetite.

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