New Issues

Assured Guaranty has the capacity to guarantee very large transactions, subject to our single-risk guidelines, yet we routinely and efficiently underwrite transactions under $10 million. We welcome the opportunity to provide insurance for qualified issuers of every size in all U.S. states and territories.

We understand the importance of timely and certain execution to bond issuers and their advisors. Our analysts have the credit skills and business knowledge to give prompt answers to critical questions:

Is the transaction insurable? We can discuss key credit characteristics by phone and provide general feedback.

What will be the general legal terms and conditions? Based on the sector and credit rating, we can provide guidance regarding key terms and conditions we require in order to insure a transaction.

How is it likely to price with insurance? We track pricing by sector and rating so we can quickly provide a pricing range for our insurance during initial discussions – indicating potential savings for the issuer.

If the transaction is insurable, every effort is made to meet the transaction schedule. Legal terms and conditions our credit committee will require in order to insure a transaction are discussed in detail up front – often through the use of term sheets – to ensure that all parties are comfortable. All aspects of the legal process – from formal commitment through closing – are managed by an in-house legal team that includes a dedicated Public Finance attorney and a closing coordinator.

Competitive Issues

We guarantee issues subject to competitive bids in all our insurable sectors. In general, we will consider competitive bids on bonds that have par sizes over $1 million and meet our internal standards for investment grade quality (generally equivalent to rating agency ratings in the Baa/ BBB range or higher). Although not all investment grade transactions will meet our underwriting criteria, we evaluate each transaction on its own merits.

Financial Advisors and Issuers: Please send the documents listed in the "Starting the Process" box above.

Underwriters/Bidders: Bids are made available the day of sale through an email distribution. To subscribe to this distribution or for questions on premium pricing, please contact our competitive bid desk at 800 607 0212.



New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2024A

Montclair University, NJ

MARCH 2024



Senior Infrastructure Revenue Bonds, Series 2024A

Colorado Bridge &
Tunnel Enterprise


APRIL 2024



If you are an issuer or financial advisor with a negotiated or competitive transaction you would like us to consider for insurance, please provide the following documents to us no later than seven business days prior to the sale date:

  • Preliminary Official Statement
  • The last three years of audited financials of the issuer
  • Any other material documentation


Send electronic copies to:


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