Governance & Policies

At Assured Guaranty, strong corporate values are reflected in how we carry out our day-to-day operations; how we want to be recognized in the marketplace; how we treat our clients, business partners and employees; and our long-term planning for a sustainable future. We consider well-designed and transparent corporate governance practices essential for long-term value creation at Assured Guaranty. The Board of Directors and senior management of Assured Guaranty have long recognized the vital nature of strong corporate governance as it relates to sustaining the culture of accountability and oversight essential for a company whose central activity is managing risk. See the links below for detailed information.



Corporate Governance Guidelines

These guidelines describe how the board of directors operates and the qualifications and responsibilities of directors.

Board and Committee Members

A list of board members and their committee assignments. For board members' biographies, click here.

Corporate Bye-Laws

Bye-Laws of Assured Guaranty Ltd.


Committee Charters

Audit Committee

Compensation Committee

Environmental and Social Responsibility Committee

Finance Committee

Nominating and Governance Committee

Risk Oversight Committee

Executive Committee



Our corporate policies incorporate both the way in which we govern and guide employee conduct and our support for employees’ shared commitment to ethical business practices, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility.

Global Code of Ethics

Assured Guaranty seeks to foster and maintain the Company’s reputation as an honest, professional, and ethical business and live up to high ethical and professional standards. The Assured Guaranty Global Code of Ethics sets forth the standards by which all Assured Guaranty employees, officers and directors must abide as they work for the Company. The Global Code of Ethics provides guidance on a variety of issues in the workplace including confidentiality, conflict of interest, fairness, respect, business entertainment and gifts, compliance with laws, and use of information technology resources. Directors, officers and employees complete an annual affirmation statement; officers and employees are also required to complete an annual training.  Assured Guaranty periodically reviews the Global Code of Ethics.  The most recent update was completed in December 2024.  The update did not change any of the substantive principles of the Global Code of Ethics and were made primarily to align with updates to underlying corporate policies and resources for purposes of completeness and more fulsome information.

Global Anti-Corruption Policy and Procedures

Assured Guaranty Ltd. is committed to conducting business fairly, honorably, with integrity and in the letter and the spirit of applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and requirements. Assured Guaranty’s Global Anti-Corruption Policy and Procedures specifies how employees should comply with the requirements of such laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, the UK Bribery Act 2010, as amended, the French Criminal Code, the Bermuda Bribery Act 2016, and such other relevant laws and requirements in these jurisdictions and any other applicable jurisdictions. Directors, officers and employees take regular and appropriate training relating to the Anti-Corruption Policy and Procedures, as applicable.

Global Restrictions on Trading Policy

The Global Restrictions on Trading Policy defines employee restrictions on trading in Assured Guaranty securities and in securities issued by third party issuers.

Climate Risk Management and Environmental Stewardship Policy 

Describes Assured Guaranty’s approach to understanding, managing and mitigating the risks to its business associated with environmental issues and to operating its business in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.

Climate Statement

Outlines Assured Guaranty’s approach to incorporating climate change risks in its business planning and operations.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Describes how Assured Guaranty defines “diversity” and “inclusion”, and its long-standing commitment to anti-discrimination and equal opportunity employment in the workplace.

Human Rights Statement

Describes Assured Guaranty’s statement regarding human rights, diversity and inclusion, anti-discrimination and harassment, compensation and health and safety.

Assured Guaranty UK Limited Modern Slavery Statement

Describes Assured Guaranty UK Limited’s statement on slavery and human trafficking.

U.K. Tax Policy

Outlines Assured Guaranty's strategy with respect to its tax affairs and approach to tax risk.


Contact the Board

Shareholders, employees or any other interested parties wanting to contact the Board concerning accounting or auditing matters may send an email to the Chairman of the Audit Committee at The Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Secretary have access to this email.

Shareholders, employees or any other interested parties wanting to contact the Board, the non-management or independent directors, the Chairman of the Board, the Chairman of any Board Committee or any other director may send an email to The Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Secretary have access to this email.

Alternatively, shareholders, employees or any other interested parties may communicate by telephone or in writing to the Board: c/o Corporate Secretary, Assured Guaranty Ltd., 30 Woodbourne Avenue, Hamilton HM 08 Bermuda or 1-441-279-5725.

The Secretary or the Chairman of the Audit Committee will forward all such communications received at the email or regular mail addresses noted above to the members of the Nominating and Governance Committee, which will determine when it is appropriate to distribute such communications to the other members of the Board or management.

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